Monday, February 27, 2012

Matan Torah! The giving of the Torah!

A couple weeks ago we learned about the giving of the Torah in the weekly Parsha.

This episode is so special to us! We learned that every Jewish soul was at the foot of Har Sinai (Mount Sinai) at the time of giving of the Torah. We were all there accepting the Torah from Hashem! We said Na'aseh V'nishma and told Hashem we will do everything the Torah commands us to do without asking questions. From here we made sure to derive a lesson for our every day lives. The good midda of listening and cooperating. We started using a new chant in kindergarten to help us work on the good character trait of good listening. Feel free to use it at works :) "We say okay and we do it right away."

Every day in davening we thank Hashem for giving us the Torah. The Torah and it's mitzvos are so holy and precious to us!

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