Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Being Responsible

We are working really hard on understanding our new good midda of being responsible. Making sure we do the things that are expected of us. In kindergarten we have responsibilities and we take them seriously. Kindergarten friends can be relied on and can do the things that are expected of them. We are only expected to do things that we are capable of doing.

Please try to point out when your child is making a responsible choice. This way they know exactly which good behaviors you are looking for. In addition, take a moment to write the episode down on a Mitzva note and send it to school the next day. It is such a good feeling to hear your Mitzva note being read out loud in front of the whole class for all of our friends to hear.

Here are some of the ideas we came up with on how we think we can be responsible.

I can be responsible by...

Felix - "Listening to Morah."

Ariel - "Making sure I put on my tzitzis in the morning and before I go to shul."

Yonni - "Brushing my teeth two times a day."

Alan - "Hanging up my coat all by myself."

Zaylin - "Listening to my mom when she tells me to go to bed. I will listen right away."

Simon - "Using the bathroom without anyone telling me to."

Ariella - "Listening to my mom if she tells me to take out my homework. I go and do it right away."

Shimon - "Pushing in any chair that is pushed out at the table."

Emy - "Doing my reading bag."

Jacky - "Playing with my sister nicely. And when I go to bed at night I should go to the bathroom

Jonathan - "Picking up my jacket."

Chava - "Listening to my mom and reading by myself."

Sammy - "

Nate - "

Rosh Chodesh Adar! Hat Day!

When the month of Adar comes, we increase in happiness. Adar is a month full of excitement. To start off this great month we had a super fun rally led by Morah Chanie. We got a chance got to show everyone our creative hats followed by fun dancing with our friends and morahs. We then went back to our classrooms and enjoyed a delicious pizza lunch! What a fun day!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tu B'shvat themed show n' tell

Thank you for sending in delicious fruits for our Tu B'shvat themed show n' tell. We put all our fruit together and made a scrumptious fruit salad. It was so tasty and healthy. Yummy!

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

Jonathan turned six! Mazal Tov!

We had a great time celebrating Jonathan's birthday. Kindergarten made beautiful cards, baked a delicious cake and had a great celebration! We gave extra Tzedakka, learned extra Torah and gave each other beautiful blessings in honor of his special day.

Jonathan brought fun gifts for all of his friends to take home. What a fun day! Thank you. 

Matan Torah! The giving of the Torah!

A couple weeks ago we learned about the giving of the Torah in the weekly Parsha.

This episode is so special to us! We learned that every Jewish soul was at the foot of Har Sinai (Mount Sinai) at the time of giving of the Torah. We were all there accepting the Torah from Hashem! We said Na'aseh V'nishma and told Hashem we will do everything the Torah commands us to do without asking questions. From here we made sure to derive a lesson for our every day lives. The good midda of listening and cooperating. We started using a new chant in kindergarten to help us work on the good character trait of good listening. Feel free to use it at works :) "We say okay and we do it right away."

Every day in davening we thank Hashem for giving us the Torah. The Torah and it's mitzvos are so holy and precious to us!