Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Historic Richmond Town Trip!

Kindergarten visited the Historic Richmond Town. We learned all about how things use to be years ago. The children saw a woman making baskets by hand, another cooking a cake in front of a fire, an old store and the value of purchasing things we need vs. want and the about the mill. We even visited an old school house and learned how children would go to school 6 days a week and after school, instead of playing, they worked for the family. We learned how life was much harder then and how lucky we are today.

Happy Birthday Zaylin!

Kindergarten celebrated Zaylin's birthday! Zaylin's mommy and daddy came to celebrate with us too! We made birthday cards, baked a delicious cake, gave tzedakah, wished Zaylin birthday wishes and he even gave us a bracha as well! We loved playing freeze dance and showing Zaylin's mommy and daddy the sign language we learned. Thank you to Zaylin for the party gifts for our friends as well as our class gift. We can't wait to use them!


Kindergarten has been learning all about shapes. 3D shapes such as cylinders, spheres, pyramids, cubes, cones and more. We even had a classroom scavenger hunt to find all the different shapes we learned about.
We also learned about how many sides certain shapes have such as triangles, rectangles, squares, octagons and more. We took our clipboards and went outside for a scavenger hunt to see if we could find shapes with the amount of sides we learned about. Look at all of the items the children found....rectangle school signs, square street signs, diamond shaped fence areas and even a street sign the shape of a pentagon. What a fun and educational experience!

Happy Birthday Simon!

Kindergarten celebrated Simon's birthday! We made cards, baked a birthday cake, did mitzvahs like collect tzedakah, wished our birthday boy birthday wishes and best of all..tasted our delicious cake! Simon's Grandma and sister came to celebrate with us! Thank you Simon for the gifts! Happy Birthday!!