Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prospect Park Zoo

Kindergarten went to the Prospect Park Zoo! We had a fun and educational experience. We started off with a presentation of the characteristics of a mammal and non-mammal. The children met and pet a ferret and watched him run through a tunnel. My was his body so flexible. After the presentation, the children made their very own porcupines. We visited many areas on the zoo including the barn and saw a llama! Before we left, we got to see the sea lion feeding show. What a fun time we had!

Adding With Dominoes

To make adding more fun, kindergarten learn to add using Dominoes. They looked at the numbers of dots on one side of the Domino, added the dots on the other side and came up with the sum. As they counted the dots on each side, they created a number sentence and then figured out the total. Each child had the chance to do an example. They had so much fun!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Kindergarten has been learning to add! We started off using visual items such as crayons and pencils to understand the idea of adding. The children really seem to be catching on nicely. We also introduced the addition and equal signs. We moved on to number sentences as well. The children have even been talking about addition during snack time, giving each other examples to do. What a way to make a Morah proud!

Our World Show & Tell

Kindergarten has been learning all about our world. They know how to label all 7 continents and have been adding to their world notebooks. We discussed Asia and moved on to Africa. To go along with what we are learning, our show and tell was all about objects or pictures about the world. Some of the children brought in various types of maps, books about certain areas, pictures and toys from around the world. It was so nice to see how excited they were to show off their items.