Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our Model Seder

Check out Kindergarten's model seder. We had a wonderful time drinking four cups of grape juice, eating matza, singing many songs and of course saying the Mah Nishtana.

We started off our seder by having our Mommy and girls light the YomTov candles to welcome the holiday.

Our very own Seder plates.

Our beautifully set Seder table.

Kadesh - Daddy led everyone in making kiddush and getting the Seder started.

Karpas - Dipped a vegetable into salt water.

Yachatz - Break the middle Matza.

Maggid - Listened to and told the story from the Haggada. 

Enjoying each others company :)


Korech - Matza and Maror sandwich.

Shulcha Orech - The festive YomTov meal.

Wow! We did all 15 steps to the seder! (Don't have pictures of every single one. Sorry!) We really enjoyed it and it definitely prepared us for our real seder that took place a few days later.

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