Monday, April 23, 2012

A Special Show & Tell

In Social Studies, kindergarten is learning about our country, now & then. We have read books and seen pictures regarding how different things used to be compared to now. Kindergarten read about Benjamin Franklin and all of his inventions. They spoke about electricity how the world would be so different if electricity were never invented. For show and tell, Emy brought in a very special item about electricity. He put it together in front of his class and demonstrated it for us. His friends loved it! Thank you Emy!

Telling Time

Kindergarten started learning how to tell time. We even made our very own clocks that we practice with! We started off learning how to tell time by the hour. Feel free to practice on your real clocks as home with your child!

The Water Cycle

Kindergarten learned all about the water cycle. To demonstrate, Morah took cotton balls that acted as particles of water. The children partnered up and acted out the water cycle. One student stood with cotton balls (ie water) around their feet, as if standing in an ocean. We explained that when water heats up, it turns to steam and evaporates. The other student acted as evaporation and placed the cotton balls one by one in the hands of their partner. As the balls accumulated, the cotton balls were forming condensation. As they were piled up high in their partners hands, as water collects in a cloud, they got to be too much to hold and they overflowed out of their hands. The water in a cloud collects until there is too much which causes precipitation, rain. The rain falls and collects in a lake or ocean, as our cotton balls did at our feet...causing the cycle to start all over again. The children had a great time with this hands on way of understanding the cycle.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our Model Seder

Check out Kindergarten's model seder. We had a wonderful time drinking four cups of grape juice, eating matza, singing many songs and of course saying the Mah Nishtana.

We started off our seder by having our Mommy and girls light the YomTov candles to welcome the holiday.

Our very own Seder plates.

Our beautifully set Seder table.

Kadesh - Daddy led everyone in making kiddush and getting the Seder started.

Karpas - Dipped a vegetable into salt water.

Yachatz - Break the middle Matza.

Maggid - Listened to and told the story from the Haggada. 

Enjoying each others company :)


Korech - Matza and Maror sandwich.

Shulcha Orech - The festive YomTov meal.

Wow! We did all 15 steps to the seder! (Don't have pictures of every single one. Sorry!) We really enjoyed it and it definitely prepared us for our real seder that took place a few days later.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Model Matza Bakery

We had an absolutely great time at the model matza bakery in Brighton Beach. We learned and performed all the steps for the process of baking matza.

First we learned which ingredients we need in order to make matza.

We started off with stalks of wheat.

Separated the kernel from the chaff.

Then ground the kernels of wheat into a powder.

We sifted the powder to get rid of anything we
don't want in the flour. And now our flour
is ready!

We poured the flour into a big bowl.

Had water ready to pour in right after.

Started kneading right away! We only have eighteen minutes before 
it becomes chometz. We do not want to waste time!

Once the dough is made we shaped it into round matzas.

Rolled the dough out until it was very thin.

And then poked holes into the matza dough to make sure it won't rise in the oven.
Yumm! What delicious matza!